by | 21 March 2019 |

The company Safelines from Rosmalen is the biggest player in the field of railroad safety in the Netherlands. Roel van der Aa works for Safelines as an implementation coordinator. “Just think of fixing a motorway”, this is how Roel clarifies Safelines’ operations. ”On motorways speed limit signs ,threshold strips and road safety vehicles are used to make sure that road workers have a safe place to work. We do the same, just on on rail tracks”

Safelines and workplace safety

Roel continues: “We have, for instance,  been deployed in the construction of the Amsterdam  North-South underground line. Certified contractors are selected by Prorail to do the job. We are responsible for creating  a safe environment to work in. We devise plans to achieve this . We provide personnel and put in place work place safety measures such as track circuit systems, fencing and signs. With the track circuit systems we simulate train occupation which means a track we work on cannot be used by trains anymore. In addition ,we can ground the catenary so we eliminate the electrocution hazard. We make sure regular rail road traffic can continue.”


Looking for a made-to-measure solution

“We employ 55 people. We also have a flexible workforce we can deploy. Every new project demands specific planning systems. There was never a software application we could use for that. Even Exact did not offer enough options. We were referred to T-Box by Acconet. This application was able to solve our problems. We were looking for a made-to-measure solution and we have found it.”

What T-portal does for us

“Before, we would receive an application for a safety project. Our planner would then make an application and a delivery order. Our accounting department would turn that into work slips, buying orders  and invoices. With T-Portal (a product by T-Box) an application will directly enter our planning system. We can immediately deploy the right people to the right place. T-portal will then automatically process all worked hours in Exact as well as make buying orders and invoices. T-Box makes planning easier.  We win time and error margins are eliminated. We now have a planning system that exactly suits our needs.”

We now have a software package that fully meets the requirements of our planning system. That saves us a lot of time and the error margins have been removed.
Roel van der Aa

Implementation coordinator, Safelines

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